Tirum Lu Lance.

Tirum Lance is an engineer, mechanic, and inventor. He's worked on everything from tiny repair drones to a gargantuan space station called the HORDE. He has two children, Cara Lance and Corbyn Lance, and a sister, Clarissa Lance.


No roleplay in DMs. All DMs are strictly for out of character interactions.The admin is accepting of all genders, pronouns, and walks of life. Bigotry will not be tolerated. This character is a safe space for LGBTQ+ characters and individuals.

No lewd. The writer is simply not interested in pursuing that form of roleplay, either interacting with it or seeing it on the timeline.


Mentions of; family loss, alcoholism, trauma, gore, extreme violence.

At a glance:

Tirum Lance was born in 6 ABY to Emra Coral Lance and Jay Lance and was raised with his two siblings, Mirinah Kyri Lance and Tanus Lance on the planet Abregado-rae. As the years went on, he was inspired to become an engineer, since he felt far more at home working with mechanical forms than he was dealing with banking strategies and spreadsheets, to his father's disappointment. When his father was murdered by a bounty hunter and his mother's death was staged by Hutts, Tirum, Miri, and Tanus set out on their own.

Early Life.

Tirum was raised to be a banker like his father, but he didn't care to learn more than how to manage money responsibly. He took apart everything in the house and put it back together. When his father was murdered shortly after he turned 19, he set out to find the bounty hunter responsible.In 13 ABY he traveled to Tatooine, where he met Dak Heeran, who would turn out to be an influential friend and eventually a powerful Spice Lord. Meeting Dak led him to fulfilling a shipment run for him to Dantooine, where he met his future wife, Quellia Shepherd. With nowhere else to go, he decided to stay on Dantooine while his sister, Miri, took lessons from a Jedi Master named Librus Whyrm.Months passed by and Tirum and Quellia quickly fell in love, though it took a while for either to admit it. After duct-taping Tirum to a tree near a lake, she kissed him. Things rapidly snowballed from there and Tirum proposed to Quellia a few weeks later. Their wedding was almost dreamlike and was attended by quite a few friends. Dak Heeran--taking a break from his Spice profession (and likely hiding from a rival Hutt that was trying to kill him) provided the music. Soon after it's discovered that Quellia is pregnant and together they had a daughter named Cara Lance.After a few months of taking care of the newborn child, Dantooine was discovered by the Empire and they were forced to leave Dantooine.

Quellia and Cara's death.

After less than a year, Quellia and Cara were kidnapped by a Sith named Sitii, and Tirum was led on a wild goose chase across most of the galaxy. He finally caught up to them in 16 ABY, when Sitii killed both of them in front of Tirum. He managed to get their bodies back onto the ship, although they were both decidedly dead. Sitii had used the populace of the outer rim world he'd been hiding out on to turn many of the inhabitants into Sith-spawn, and their existence risked the rest of the galaxy catching their plague. Heartbroken at the loss of his two most important family members, Tirum created an experimental overload of his reactor and created a cascade explosion over the Sith-enfused planet to destroy everything on the surface. Sitii managed to escape in the nick of time.Devastated by the loss, Tirum lost most sense of purpose and drifted through space on his ship, moving at sub-light speed toward another populated world in the system.


In a freak accident, Tirum was cloned, and the cloned Tirum crash landed on a distant planet. He woke up with fractured memories and was brought to Mon Calamari, where he worked at the shipyards. The clone will be referred to as Lu. Lu had fragmented memories and worked at the shipyards for months before he got a work order in a different system. He joined the ChandrilTech wing headed for the newly-rediscovered Tython system and joined onto their mechanic team.Lu met Amelie Eclissu and the two of them quickly fell in love, then were married and had a child named Corbyn. Amelie had a wild heart and a strong will, and she and Corbyn were taken by a Sith named Darth Creone that was plaguing the Jedi with issues.Lu was in anguish and resorted to alcoholism to deal with his emotions and fractured memories, however, with his fractured memories and his emotional instability, he became a threat to other members of his mechanic team.Tirum discovered his clone, and after seeing his fragmented memories and fragile emotional state, began to realize what his real plans were and how he threatened everything that Tirum had been working toward establishing over the last few years. He contacted his friend, Dak, now an established Spice Lord, and invited Lu to a private dinner with the three of them but made sure that no one else knew about the event. With Dark's help, they murdered Lu after Lu went on a tirade about how he was going to cleanse the galaxy's sickness. Recognizing the seeds of a power-hungry tyrant within his clone, as he had long recognized and fought against them within himself, they disposed of the body in an incinerator and then sterilized any traces that he'd been there.When Amelie and Corbyn returned, they returned to a dead father and a different version of the man they'd known.

Xenomorph Swarms

After Darth Creone was dealt with, a new threat emerged; Darth Krayt revealed himself to the Jedi Order on Tython and unleashed his nightmarish horde. Along with a Nightsister Coven, he had found mysterious organisms from deep space and was using them to wipe out entire worlds; these "Xenomorphs" were destroying colonies on outer rim worlds and moving rapidly to the inner rim. Tirum, who had long been working on railgun technology as Sith had a much harder time deflecting the armaments than they did blaster fire, switched gears to create the perfect antithesis to these creatures. They used humans as hosts, so he used autonomous drones; they were fast and nimble, so he armed the drones with railguns; they took over host populations within months and years, so he figured out ways to create drones at rapid speeds to outpace the Xenomorphs.He created the High Orbit Rail Defense Eliminator (HORDE) to combat the Xenomorphs and the Sith. This massive station was a powerhouse filled to the brim with state-of-the-art tech with a lot of grants from ChandrilTech, who he partnered with to create the station. The HORDE featured railgun armaments, and then Tirum created his true dream; tiny subspace relays that could be spread throughout space to form a network similar to the holonet that would detect Xenomorphs wherever they might be an inform him of their presence. He created and began to deploy these drones, some in secret and some with lengthy political meetings which he was none too fond of.Tirum's mother, Emra, resurfaced and tried to find him. She made contact with him and they were briefly happy, until she was captured by the Sith and used as a host for the Xenomorphs. Tirum was forced to watch as she was killed by the resulting Chestburster. The diplomatic mission they'd been on fell apart and Tirum exacted revenge on the guards before escaping out of the system.With his mother gone, he swore vengeance on both the Sith and the Xenomorphs.

Arkan Trials

In the middle of an intense battle, Tirum was transported with many others to a gauntlet-style survival mission called the Arkan Trials. He was visited by a being called an Arkan and told, if he survived, he would be given a single wish. Tirum completed the grueling survival challenge and asked for his daughter, Cara, to be restored.But not every wish is equal. Instead of getting back his young ~4-year-old daughter, he got an aged version of her, nearly 15 years old. Now with a teenager constantly at his side, they began to form a bond, but Tirum's overprotectiveness clashed with her teenage desire for independence. Cara discovered that she was Force-sensitive, and began to study under Grand Master Naya Eclissu.With Darth Krayt's defeat, some things settled down, but his defeat did not include the eradication of the monsters he'd set loose upon the galaxy.

Clarissa Lance

In 23 ABY, Tirum was visited by a surprise - his half-sister, Clarissa Lance. She had bright red hair and didn't look all that much like him, although she was nearly 8 years his junior. She explained that his father, Jay Lance, had an affair with her mother, Madeline Sulforge, and she was the result. She was born in 2 ABY and was Force-sensitive, and wanted desperately to get to know her brother, his family, and her father.Tirum and Clary do not get along very often. He's controlling and demanding and she's carefree and otherwise irritable. He's also jaded and getting old, and she's still fairly young and, after spending most of her life doing odd jobs until she worked on a space yacht, used to doing different things. When she discovered that she was Force-sensitive, she started showing an interest in learning both sides of the Force, to which Tirum immediately put his foot down. As far as he was concerned, studying the Sith was about as bad as becoming Sith.With Clary in tow, Tirum and Cara entered into a strange space-time warp, which shunted them into an alternate reality. In this reality, it was only 9 BBY, and they landed on a planet called Koboh. Tirum quickly figured out how to access their home reality and created an engine by which he could flit between realities at will, then began to label them while Cara and Clarissa studied the Force with Cal Kestis.Eventually, they returned to their own time, and with that return, Cara bid her farewells to them and set off on her own. Tirum's overprotectiveness had effectively cut him off and out of her life, aside from the occasional message to tell him that she was still alive. He travels the galaxy with Clary, a reluctant helper to take out the remaining Xenomorph scourge.


In 13 years, give or take some time distortion, Tirum has managed a few impressive feats. He has:
- created an army of drones and perfected them for military use, though he sold the patent to ChandrilTech
- built some 9 ships from scratch
- fought against a few Sith directly and survived the encounter
- blown up a superweapon or two
- built the rail cannon that blew up the Coruscant Jedi Temple
- survived an intense combat trial from a higher being called an Arkan, who restored his lost daughter to life

There is simply so much information, everything presented here are the basics for understanding the character.

Sith Hatred

Tirum has a deep, unyielding hatred for the Sith, bordering on irony; if he were Force-sensitive, he would likely be tempted to and succumb to the Dark Side simply because his hatred of the Sith is that strong. After watching his wife and daughter murdered in front of him, his sister dying multiple times and being tempted to the Dark Side, his cousin killed by the Sith, and countless other meetings with Dark Side users, his hatred is a seething thing. He doesn't hate Imperials as much as he does Sith.He can learn not to hate specific people, as he did with his close friend, Tess, but it is unlikely at best and takes repeated encounters and mutual respect.Tirum's sister, Mirinah, was killed by Sith; his brother, Tanus, was killed by a family friend in an act of the Dark Side of the Force; his mother, Emra, was killed by a creature in service of a Sith; Cara and Quellia were killed by Sith. He has suffered profound losses at the hands of the Dark Side.